Does Lifting Weights Burn Fat? Learn the Truth That Only Few!
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Weight lifting can help you burn fat fast. Why? Because muscles need more calories to sustain than fat does. So, lifting weights really burns more fat fast. However, if you intend to keep off the fat then it is important to complement your weight lifting with your regular cardio workouts.

Most people go to the gym-goers but seldom take part in weight lifting workouts. Most gym-goers also engage in aerobic exercises along with lifting weights. Even for gym-goers, frequent workouts are not enough. In fact, they must do both. This is possible only if they follow a healthy lifestyle that includes healthy eating, regular moderate exercise, and stress-free sleep.
Long-term strength training also helps you burn calories even when you are at rest. Muscle-building activities such as weight lifting weights to increase the metabolic rate of an individual. This helps increase the rate of burning calories even when an individual is resting. The increased muscle mass also helps reduce body fat. So, muscle mass can be maintained even after a person has stopped working out as strength training helps in maintaining muscle mass.
Cardiovascular activities such as running, cycling and swimming burn more calories than other forms of cardio exercises. These exercises help in losing weight by burning fat. When you lift weights, muscles need to be stressed. Thus, the increased metabolic rate stimulates the burning of calories even when an individual is at rest.
Strength training without proper warm ups is very harmful. Warm ups include stretching and light jogging before you lift weights. It helps to prepare the muscles for the heavy weights that you will lift. Hence, you will be able to lift heavier weights with lower repetitions.
A cardio routine may help in losing weight. However, you cannot rely solely on cardio exercise for weight loss. Diet and regular workouts play a major role in your weight loss goals. In most cases, people have to make due allowance for the calories spent during cardio exercises. Lifting weights is an excellent alternative to cardio exercises. You can lift the weights and build your muscles at the same time.
Weight lifting also helps in fat loss because of its multiple compound movements. Each movement of the exercise recruits a different muscle group. This recruitment of muscles activates the hormones responsible for the reduction of fats in the body. Thus, the entire session becomes an effective fat loss program as all the working muscles are recruited for the work out.
Another reason why weight-lifting is important for weight loss is that it stimulates the production of testosterone. Testosterone is the hormone that is responsible for promoting muscle growth, building, and maintaining healthy & normal blood sugar levels. When the production of testosterone is high, it leads to the burning of calories more efficiently. Thus, it also leads to excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, thereby leading to fat-burning processes.
The three basic weight-lifting exercises include: bench press, squats, and dead-lifts. All these exercises recruit different muscle groups while working on the major muscle groups. Most of these exercises also require a large amount of strength to execute them perfectly. But with the help of various weight training equipment and intensifying workouts, you can easily gain impressive strength to perform these exercises and burn more fat effortlessly.
However, there are some cardio exercises that are equally important for weight loss. Cardio exercises helps in burning calories in the body. It is also instrumental in speeding up the metabolism and building muscles. These cardio exercises include running, cycling, swimming, jogging, and skipping. If you are looking forward to burn those extra calories and fat, then you can try these cardio exercises.
One of the best exercises to develop muscles and a high level of energy is to do low-to-moderate intensity cardio like running, cycling, swimming, and skipping. Weight-lifting exercises like dead-lifts, squats, and bench press also help in building muscle but at a much slower rate than cardio. But if you are looking forward to burn calories and fats, then you should focus on doing resistance training because it is the best for increasing the metabolic rate and burning the fats effortlessly.
Resistance training does its work by stimulating the production of hormones responsible for calorie burn. These hormones are HGH or Human Growth Hormone and testosterone. With the help of resistance training, your muscles grow bigger and stronger and you start losing fats easily. So, say goodbye to starvation and extreme diets and become fitter by doing regular weight lifting exercises. You will surely gain great benefits and soon start to lose your excess weight.
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